Getting to Veterinary School
Real life perspective and tips from a GVSU pre-veterinary student

Reference Letters
You guys are probably getting sick of me saying this, but this part of the application process is extremely important. Basically every part of your VCMAS application is going to be important and you need to make sure you take all of it seriously and give yourself amply time to complete it all.
How many?
Anyways, for the VMCAS application you need to list a minimum of three evaluators (reference letters) and you can list up to six. How many you end up choosing to use really depends on the schools you are planning to apply to. You need to research into the requirements of your schools because some schools will only accept a certain number of reference letters. From my experience the general number of letters accepted by schools is three and that is how many I submitted to the VMCAS.
How do you do it?
The reference letter process is electronic. Once you create your VMCAS application you are able to access the Evaluators section where you need to put in the name and email address of your references. You will also need their address and telephone number. This when then automatically send an email prompting your evaluators to submit an electronic copy of the letter on your behalf.
Another part of the process is the waiver. I highly suggest that you waive your rights to view the letters written by your references. It would be nice to know what your evaluators are saying about you, but there is the thought that if they evaluators know you will see the letter they won't write as true/freely as they would have otherwise. So in the eyes of the veterinary schools it is important that you waive your rights because it will give them more weight. There is a way around this in which your evaluators can give you access to the letters outside of the VMCAS application. For example, once of my evaluators wanted me to read through the letter so she sent me a copy of it through email. That is a very personal choice on the evaluators part and you shouldn't expect or pressure them to do that.
The deadline for submitting reference letters is October 2nd, the same as the deadline for the entire VMCAS application. However, it is highly recommended that the reference letters be submitted as early as possible. I personally asked my evaluators at the end of the winter semester prior to the VMCAS cycle I was applying to, thus giving them a lot of time. However, the earlier you notify them about the reference letter the more you need to make sure that you remind them to write it. Don't like email stalk every week asking if they wrote the letter, but make sure that every once in awhile you send a friendly reminder or update about new things happening in your life. It will be easier for them and a huge relief for you if they get them in early.
It is very important that you pick who will be writing your reference letters carefully. You want to make sure that you have a personal connection with that person and have worked with them for a lengthy period of time, whether it is in a job, research, or class. You need a person that is going to be able to write a letter that really shows the admissions committee how great an applicant you are. They aren't looking for something generic from a professor you had in one class two years ago. The veterinary schools want to get to know you from the perspective of another person.
It is highly recommended and even required by some school that at least one or more of your reference letters come from veterinarians that you have worked with. Other good options are professors you have done research with, professors you have had multiple classes with, a long-time employer, or an academic advisor. Definetely don't have a family member or someone you have only recently gotten to know. For my references I had two veterinarians whom I had worked with for the past two years and a chemistry professor that I had for multiple classes write mine.
Another point to remember is that you need to start cultivating relationships with professors early. Finding people to be your references shouldn't be an after thought during your junior year as you are getting ready to apply. In order to have quality reference letters you need to put time and effort into getting to know your professors and letting them get to know you. Starting your freshman year, you should find ways to engage beyond just the classroom with your professors. Go to office hours, attend professor meet and greets, look for research opportunities, and do well in your classes.
Additional Thoughts/Information:
- Provide your evaluators with copies of your personal statement and resume. This will provide them with material and specific details to help support their reference letter for you.
- Make the process as easy as possible for your evaluators!!!
Helpful Links
VMCAS Evaluator Instructions -
Veritas Letters of Recommendation Tips -
NCSU Vet School Information for Reference Writers Page -
Blog Reference Letter Tips -
Requesting Reference Letters (more job-market related) -