Getting to Veterinary School
Real life perspective and tips from a GVSU pre-veterinary student
I am extremely excited that you have stumbled across or are actively seeking out ways to help prepare you for the long road that is becoming a veterinarian. This website is my senior project and it is the accumulation of all of the knowledge and information that I have picked up over the years or wished that I would have had sooner. Hopefully you will find at least one new tidbit of information that will help you on your way to veterinary school.
Getting into veterinary school is an extremely hard task and my hope is that my website will help better prepare students to navigate through this long process. I have tailored this website specifically to Grand Valley State University students since this is where I have gained much of my experiences, but most of the information is applicable to all undergraduate students.
Where you are at in the process will really dictate how you will utilize my website to further your pursuits.
Here are some suggestions for the most important pages for you to look at!
US Vet School Information Pages: this is a very important place to start looking at which veterinary schools you would like to apply to. This page will provide you with a full list of all the veterinary schools in the US along with a lot of the basic information.
Required Courses: before you can even start applying to veterinary school you need to know which courses to take.
Application Process: the final step to getting into veterinary school is going through the very length process of applying through VMCAS. This page will guide you through all of the steps of the application process.
Vet Jobs and Secondary Options: it is very important to figure out what part of veterinary medicine interests you the most. Another very important aspect is having a plan B or back-up plan. Getting into veterinary school is a very tought process, so having those options is critical.
Overall, take a look around at everything. I promise you will find something interesting and relevant to you on every page.
How to best utilize this website