Getting to Veterinary School
Real life perspective and tips from a GVSU pre-veterinary student

Oregon State University
Admissions Contact Information
Phone: 541-737-2098
Address: 700 SW 30th St. Corvallis, OR 97331
Background Information
When was the school founded? The first class of veterinary students entered the college in 1979 and graduated in 1983.
What is the mission of the institution? The Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program emphasizes the importance of core training in comparative biology and medicine, including all primary clinical disciplines and domestic animal species.
Is it a public or private University? Public
Do they have any special programs? The objective of the program is to provide an opportunity for students enrolled in the professional veterinary program to have a faculty-guided, positive, and rewarding research experience in the basic or clinical sciences. In addition, the program provides an introduction to research issues, facilities, opportunities, and current research topics. The format is a research experience that occurs primarily in the summer, but literature search, proposal writing, and project planning all occur prior to the summer. The goal of the program is to increase the number of graduating veterinarians who choose a career in research that focuses on animal health and disease. First, second, and third year students are eligible.
Do they have any special facilities? They have the veterinary teaching hospital, veterinary diagnostic laboratory, and research labs.
U.S. News and World Report Ranking: #25
Accreditation: Yes, they are fully accredited.
Required Coursework
- General Biology (2 semesters)
- Biology Sciences (min of 4 credits)
- Physics (8 credits)
- General Chemistry (2 semesters)
- Organic Chemistry (1-2 semesters)
- Biochemistry (min of 1 semester)
- Genetics (3 semester credits)
- Mathematics (a course in college level algebra or higher)
- Physiology (a 2 semester credit course in animal or human physiology)
- Statistics (3 semester credits)
- English (min 4 credits)
- Public Speaking (2 credits min
)- Humanities/Social Sciences (8 credits)
Coursework Criteria
All required coursework must be completed by the Spring Semester of the year of matriculation with a grade of 2.0 minimum. Half of the science required courses need to be completed at the time of application with a grade of 2.0 minimum.
Veterinary Program
How many years is the program? 4 years.
What is the average class size? 56
What other degrees are offered? They offer DVM, MS, and PhD. They also have various specialty programs, such as internal medicine, cardiology, surgery, anesthesiology, oncology, and theriogenology.
What are the residency placement options? They have various residency programs. Some examples are Biomedical Sciences Residency Program Veterinary Pathology, Laboratory Animal Resources Center Residency Program, and Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Residency Program.
What is the NAVLE pass rate? 100%
What are some student activities? They have various student organizations, such as the Agriculture Animal Club, AVMA, Canine Club, Laboratory Animal and Animal Research Club, Student Ambassadors, and the Veterinary Surgery Club.
What academic support programs do they have? They have the student services center, the academic success center (peer coaches, supplemental instructions, group study tables, ALS courses, writing center), and they have counseling and psychological services for all students.
What is the curriculum? The professional curriculum is a four-year sequence of courses completed at the Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine and the Oregon Humane Society. For your first three years, your courses will cover a series of requirements, along with opportunities for electives. You and your classmates will move into a block system for your fourth year. In general, these blocks are one to four weeks long and cover a single subject. The College also offers one to four-week long elective blocks in specific areas of your interest. You may also take electives at other universities.
Admissions General Information
Professional Application Service: VMCAS
VMCAS Deadline: October 2nd
Do they have a supplemental application? Yes, they have a supplemental application online that has a $50 fee.
Do they have interviews? Yes, they have an interview process that is discussed in further detail under the subjective review.
Are AP credits accepted? Advanced Placement (AP) and College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exam credits for lower division prerequisite courses are accepted. Credit must be reflected on the official ETS College Board Score report or on an official college transcript.
Do they require a pre-professional curriculum? No, they only require the prerequisite courses. However, it is recommended that you get a bachelor’s degree.
What professional test do they accept? GRE
Admissions Statistics (2013)
General Statistics
# of applications received per year - 751
# of out-of-state applicants per year - 663
# of students accepted - 56
% of applicants accepted - 7.5%
% of in-state students enrolled - 71.4%
% of out-of-state students enrolled - 28.6%
% female - 91.0%
% male - 9.0%
GPA Statistics
Avg. cumulative GPA of admitted students – 3.65
Avg. Science credits GPA of admitted students – 3.58
GRE Statistics
Avg. verbal score for admitted students - 153
Avg. quantitative score for admitted students - 154
Subjective Review Components
- As with most veterinary schools the process begins with the VMCAS application. Then Oregon sends out their online supplemental application, which is due by October 2nd as well.
- After initially reviewing all qualified Oregon resident applications, the admissions committee selects candidates for interviews. CVM faculty members and/or representatives from the Oregon veterinary community will participate in the interview process. Beginning in January 2014, OSU will move to the Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) format. An MMI consists of a series of short, structured interview stations used to assess non-cognitive qualities including cultural sensitivity, maturity, teamwork, empathy, reliability and communication skills. Prior to the start of each mini interview rotation, candidates receive a question/scenario and have a short period of time (typically two minutes) to prepare an answer. Upon entering the interview room, the candidate has a short exchange with an interviewer/assessor (usually about 8 minutes). In some cases, the interviewer observes while the interaction takes place between an actor and the candidate. At the end of each mini interview, the interviewer evaluates the candidate’s performance while the applicant moves to the next station. This pattern is repeated through a number of rotations.
- They ask situational questions that touch on the following areas: ethical decision making, critical thinking, communication skills, and current societal issues.
- Non-residents are not extended interviews and will be solely evaluated and ranked based on all other written application criteria.
- They send out notifications of admission status between December and February.
Tuition and Fees
In-state tuition = $21,319
Out-of-state tuition = $41,200
Residency status options = Residency affidavits must be submitted to the Office of Admissions by the last day to register for the term in which resident classification is sought.
Funding Options
Scholarships - Last year they awarded $232,000 in 236 scholarships. This does seem fairly low from the numbers I have been seeing, but they are a smaller school.
Helpful Links
DVM Admissions -
Application Process -
Residency Classification -
Curriculum -
Prerequisites -
Tuition and Financial Aid -
Contact Them -