Getting to Veterinary School
Real life perspective and tips from a GVSU pre-veterinary student

Oklahoma State University
Admissions Contact Information
Phone: 405-744-6961
Address: 112 McElroy Hall Stillwater, OK 74078
Background Information
When was the school founded? The school was founded in 1852.
What is the mission of the institution? The Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine: Educates and develops skilled veterinarians for a lifetime of investigation, innovation, and care and protection of animal health. Discovers and disseminates knowledge concerning health and disease mechanisms of biomedical and veterinary medical importance. Creates and utilizes effective methods for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of animal diseases and those transmissible to humans; and Provides a state-of-the-art veterinary medical resource center that serves the citizens of Oklahoma, the nation, and the world.
Is it a public or private University? Public
Do they have any special programs? They have an early admissions program that is an opportunity for students coming into their undergraduate degree to get admission into the veterinary program. To be eligible you need to have an ACT score of at least 28 or be in the upper 10% of your graduating class with at least 3 semester of science and 4 semesters of math. Applicants must also demonstrate a strong interest in veterinary medicine, have leadership experience, communication skills, emotional maturity, and other non-technical skills. Once accepted into the program, the student must maintain a GPA of 3.5 and complete the pre-veterinary required courses.
Do they have any special facilities? They have the McElroy Hall Veterinary center, the Boren Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, and the Oklahoma Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory.
U.S. News and World Report Ranking: #24
Accreditation: The Oklahoma State University Center for Veterinary Health Sciences is fully accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Council on Education (COE).
Required Coursework
- English Composition
- English Elective (Speech, Literature, Technical Writing)
- Inorganic Chemistry and Lab
- Organic Chemistry and Lab
- Biochemistry- Mathematics
- Physics
- Animal Nutrition
- Biological Sciences
- Microbiology and Lab
- Genetics (lab recommended)
- Humanities/Social Science
- Science Electives- Business electives (not required, but recommended)
Coursework Criteria
Applicants must have at least a minimum prerequisite GPA of 2.8 and all required coursework must be completed prior to June 1st of the matriculation year. All of the upper level courses must be completed at a 4-year institution and the nutrition course must emphasis animals. All courses must have a grade higher than a C. If the applicant retakes a course, the hours and grade points of the repeated course will be added to those of the original course in calculating the required course GPA.
Veterinary Program
How many years is the program? 4 years
What is the average class size? 82
What other degrees are offered? DVM, Veterinary Biomedical Sciences graduate program offers and MS and a PhD. There is also dual MS/DVM and PhD/DVM.
What is the NAVLE pass rate? 92%
What professional development do they offer graduates? They have many different programs for veterinarians and graduates. They have an Intensive Training Continuing Education Program that trains participants in surgical or medical techniques or increase expertise in a certain academic area. They also have observation CE, which allows veterinarians to participate as part of a student group rotation. There is also an extensive CE program that is meant more for practitioners or foreign graduates who want expand their length of their continuing education experience. They also have a radiology consultation service for veterinarians. There are also lots of educational conferences throughout the year.
What is the curriculum? You can find a comprehensive list of the courses for each year at the link section below. Their program is fairly common for veterinary schools.
Admissions General Information
Professional Application Service: VMCAS
VMCAS Deadline: October 2nd
Do they have a supplemental application? The supplemental application is due October 2nd electronically.
Do they have interviews? From what I can tell there is not an interview.
Are AP credits accepted? Yes, as long as it is on the official transcripts.
Do they require a pre-professional curriculum? No, they do not even require a degree. You just need to complete all of the required coursework.
What professional test do they accept? GRE
Admissions Statistics (2013)
General Statistics
# of applications received per year - 846
# of out-of-state applicants per year - 736
# of students accepted - 82
% of applicants accepted - 9.7%
% of in-state students enrolled - 71.8%
% of out-of-state students enrolled - 29.2%
% female - 73.1%
% male - 26.9%
GPA Statistics
Required cumulative GPA - 3.0
Avg. Cumulative GPA of admitted students – 3.472
Avg. Core GPA admitted students – 3.484
GRE Statistics
Avg. verbal score for admitted students - 153
Avg. quantitative score for admitted students - 151
Avg. analytical score for admitted students – 4.0
Subjective Review Components
****They didn’t have very much application related information.
- You must complete the VMCAS application and their supplemental application.
- They require three references letters and one must be from a veterinarian that you have worked with and can evaluate your potential.
Tuition and Fees
In-state tuition = $15,048
Out-of-state tuition = $36,321
Is there an enrollment deposit required? There is a $100 deposit for Oklahoma residents and $500 for all out of state students.
Residency status options = Students wishing to be reclassified as in-state after their initial enrollment must complete a Petition for In-State Status form and return it with all supporting documentation to the Office of the Registrar before the beginning of the semester in question. In-state reclassification (and associated in-state tuition) is not granted on a retroactive basis. If you are receiving scholarships, loans, grants or other financial aid, please seek advice from the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid on how a reclassification to in-state status may affect your scholarships or aid.
Funding Options
Scholarships - For the 2012-2013 academic year, there was $9,954,536 in 200 separate scholarships awarded to veterinary students.
Helpful Links
DVM Admissions -
Residency -
Curriculum -
Prerequisites -
Tuition and Financial Aid -
Contact Them -