Getting to Veterinary School
Real life perspective and tips from a GVSU pre-veterinary student

Auburn University
Admissions Contact Information
Phone: 334-844-4546
Address: Auburn, Alabama
Background Information
When was the school founded? The department of veterinary science and physiology was opened up in 1982. Since 1909, the University has graduated more than 6,500 DVMs.
What is the mission of the institution? The mission of the Office of Academic Affairs at Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine is to guide and facilitate the professional development of optimally prepared students into flourishing, well-trained veterinarians.
Is it a public or private University? Private
Do they have any special programs? In 2010, they instituted a new tablet program in which all incoming freshman must have a tablet for learning purposes. Students are trained to use these tablets starting day one of their education. Students will use the tablets to take notes, record lectures, collaborate with peers, and use them during clinical rotations. This is an additional fee of $2,188. They also have a program called the AUCVM BRATS, which is a program for undergraduates that are committee to veterinary medical bioscience research and training. This program introduces students to research activities involving animals and related model systems.
Do they have any special facilities? They are beginning construction on a new Small Animal Teaching Hospital and an Educational Wing.
U.S. News and World Report Ranking: 15
Accreditation: Yes, they are accredited.
Required Coursework
- Written Composition (6 semesters)
- Humanities and Fine Arts (12 credits) (literature, fine arts, humanities, in addition to philosophy, religious studies, speech, and foreign languages)
- History, Social, Behavioral Science (12 credits)
- Mathematics (Pre-calculus, trig, or higher) (3 credits)
- General Biology with Lab (4 credits)
- General Biology with Lab 2 (4 credits)
- General Inorganic Chemistry with Lab (8 credits)
- Organic Chemistry with Lab (6 credits)
- Physics with Lab (8 credits)
- Biochemistry (3 credits)
- Animal Nutrition (3 credits)
- Science Electives (6 credits)
Coursework Criteria
The minimum GPA for required courses for applicants from West Virginia, Kentucky, and Alabama is 2.5. For any other applicants out-of-state the minimum required GPA is 3.0. All prerequisite courses must be completed by June 15th before matriculation.
Veterinary Program
How many years is the program? 4 years
What is the start date? August 19th (August 9th for freshman orientation)
What is the average class size? 120
What concentrations are offered? They offer clinical rotations in small animal internal medicine, small animal oncology, small animal general surgery, small animal orthopedic surgery, critical care service/emergency medicine, dairy medicine and surgery, community practice, anesthesia, diagnostic imaging, diagnostic pathobiology, equine medicine, equine surgery, beef medicine and surgery, and food animal theriogenology. They also have postgraduate internships and residencies in internal medicine, oncology, dermatology, neurology, and surgery.
What other degrees are offered? They offer DVM, DVM/MS, DVM/PhD, and various graduate programs.
What are the residency placement options? They have a pathobiology residency program, department of clinical sciences residency program, and radiology residency program.
What is the NAVLE pass rate? 98%
What are some student activities? Auburn has various clubs and organizations, such as the Colic Team, AAEP, CVF, Lady Vets, Phi Zeta, Shelter Medicine, and the Student Chapter of the Society for Theriogenology.
What professional development do they offer graduates? Auburn also has a lot of support for its alumni in their continuation of professional development. They have the tiger recruiting link that helps alumni find job listings and you can post your resume on the job search network. There are special events throughout the year such as career fairs, workshops, and conferences. They also provide career assessments that help alumni gain personal insight for interviews and they help with career change evaluations. There are also many web resources and the AU alumni association that are meant to help further the professional development of Auburn alumni.
What academic support programs do they have? Auburn has many academic services that support their veterinary students. Through their academic support page students can find academic coaching, study partners, study smart program, and supplemental instructions. There is also the AU career center, learning communities, miller writing center, and the office of accessibility. They also have tutoring service and students with disabilities assistance.
What is the curriculum? The curriculum at Auburn is a four year program in which students take 20-22 credit hours per semester. They call their curriculum a systems approach, meaning the first year deals mainly with structure and function of the normal animal. The second year involved principle courses such as immunology, infectious diseases, and pathology. Students then begin looking at the body system. During the fourth years students participate in 5 different clinical rotations.
Admissions Statistics (2013)
General Statistics
# of applications received per year - 1132
# of out-of-state applicants per year - 899
# of students accepted - 120
% of applicants accepted - 10.6%
% of in-state students enrolled - 66.7%
% of out-of-state students enrolled - 33.3%
% female - 76.7%
% male - 23.3%
Resident GPA Statistics
Required cumulative GPA - 3.6
Average Organic Chemistry and Physics GPA - 3.45
Resident GRE Statistics
Avg. total overall score for admitted students - 1213 (old scoring method)
Subjective Review Components
- Auburn University has a three part admissions procedure that involved objective evaluation of academic credentials, a subjective review that involves personal credentials and work experiences with animals, and a personal interview.- They require three letters of recommendation, in which one should be from a veterinarian, one from an employer, and the third should be from an academician.
Tuition and Fees
In-state tuition = $17,858
Out-of-state tuition = $42,382
Is there an enrollment deposit required? No, there is no enrollment deposit required.
Residency status options = Generally residency status will only be given to those who are classified as Alabama residents. Alabama students are those who have resided and have habitation, home, and permanent abode in Alabama for at least 12 months prior to registration. They do not give residency to students whose primary purpose is attending college.
Funding Options
Scholarships - They have very little information regarding scholarships for veterinary medical students particularly. The college in general has lots of different scholarships and in addition to this there are regional and nationally competitive scholarships that all veterinary students can apply for.
Assistantships - They have many graduate research and teaching assistantships that are available through the College of Veterinary Medicine. They are administered through the Office of Research and Graduate Studies (ORGS). There are also many departmental assistantships available to students. You must apply for these assistantships the February before the Fall Semester.
Military Funding - The U.S. Army offers a variety of scholarships for veterinary students. If you are interested in the military, they will pay for your entire tuition in exchange for four years of service as a veterinarian. They also pay for all of your books/fees and you get a $1907 per month stipend. Once you start school you are a Second Lieutenant and after you graduate you are promoted to a Captain.
Helpful Links
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2012 Statistical Data -
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Academic Support -
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Admissions General Information
Professional Application Service: VMCAS
VMCAS Deadline: October 2nd
Do they have a supplemental application? They do have a supplemental application that is online and due October 31st.
Do they have interviews? Yes, interview letters are sent out in January/February and are held during February and March. Auburn does not provide any information about the actual set-up or details of the interviews. They do provide information for students about the details of hotels and things to bring to interview. See links below.
Are AP credits accepted? They do accept AP credits as long as the test scores are high enough (generally in the 4 and 5 range). They don’t accept CLEP, but they do accept IB.
Do they require a pre-professional curriculum? No, just the required courses.
What professional test do they accept? GRE